Minister Of Tourism and Arts Jean Kapata has lifted the ban on hunting in the 19 hunting blocks with immediate effect. Ms Kapata made the announcement at a press briefing held at the Ministry of Tourism head office in Lusaka this morning.
She however said that the hunting will be conducted under laid down conditions and strict supervision from ZAWA. But that the ban on big Cats still stands. Hunting in the said blocks was suspended in 2013 due to inability to select outfitters in these blocks arising from a flawed process in the tender.
Hunting of Lions and other cats was banned on understanding that their populations were depleted to such low levels that it was not sustainable to hunt them.
She has also appealed to everyone to assist government and ZAWA in the conservation of the wildlife and its habitat in Zambia. She said that Zambia prides itself in having arguably the richest bio-diversity on the continent, which we all should guard against depletion..
Article by: The Zambia Wildlife Authority
Please note that we are not the Zambia Tourism Board and don’t make these policy decisions. We are a private organization dedicated to providing information about travel and tourism in Zambia.
UPDATE: Here is ZAWA’s response to this press release:
Peter J, well said! We may be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.Other folks who\’ve commented on here – please DO visit Zambia! It has fantastic wildlife [and some of the world\’s finest safari guides], scenery and superb adrenaline and adventure activities to offer.If you don\’t go you\’re REALLY missing out and it would be sad to miss the opportunity to welcome you.
Julie Smith,You and the rest of the tourists \’boycotting\’ Zambian safaris won\’t make a difference to the hunting ban. What it will do is reduce the amount of income available for lodges and camps to put into conservation initiatives that conserve more than just elephants, i.e. you withholding your tourist money will further stress already struggling conservation projects.Please reconsider and do not take action when it comes to just one animal species that you are particularly fond of – owls and snakes face a really tough time too!!Sincerely,A Zambian Conservationist
This is a terrible move and will only lead to the further destruction of elephants and rhinos. In the last decade, nearly 70% of African’s elephants were killed – Zambia’s move is devastating for elephants and for tourism. I will not visit Zambia, the country of my birth, again with a decision like this
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. Why send more tusks to China to carve? The carvers have hundreds of thousands as it is. And the hunters certainly don’t need any more ego trips. Besides there are more photographers than there are hunters and the photographers add up to more money than the hunters. The problem for Zambia is that it looks bad and of course is worse for the poor animals who have their lives cut short.
More people are against hunting than those who hunt, so effectively you have just damaged your country’s tourism. I can assure you I and quite a few hundred thousand people will NOT be visiting your country for years because you have lost our respect and we have lost our desire to even entertain the idea of visiting your country with its sick and twisted ideals where you think it is ok to hunt wildlife like this. It is disgusting and has to stop. Please reconsider before you damage the ecosystem as well as tourism.
Zambia is most definitely NOT ON MY LIST TO VISIT!
There is such a big need to preserve the wildlife, so many elephants are getting killed and you lift the ban on hunting?!!
This is a DISGRACE!
Madam Kapata you really need to rethink this shameful decision or reduce Zambia to the gutter…. The opposition numbers grow daily….
The world is watching you in horror.
I cannot believe that you pride yourself on selling this country to tourists as a place to see the most beautiful and endangered animals in the world. Not only this but all over the tourism websites you promoting news of animals such as Rhinos and Elephants being saved and protected by humans with nothing but photographs of them filling your website. Yet you are allowing people to come and hunt these animals in your country. Not only is this decision the most hypocritical I have ever heard, it is also detrimental and sickening. I loose faith in humanity, the love of money is the root of all evil.
We need people with leadership and true visionaries to see where this is heading. While the whole world is fighting trying to save the Rhino’s and the Elephants we have Zambia trying to destroy them. Dear Minister of Tourism and Arts you are making a very dangerous mistake and ask for you to rethink your decision. Pleas watch this video of people raising awareness.
Wow, this is a sad decision! I was planning a very expensive safari to your beautiful country. Now, I must change plans and take my money to Botswana or other.
Please change your decision.
Well, there goes my plan to visit Zambia next year ! I had read so many good things about your country and even know a few people I was going to visit while there but I cannot with good conscience give you any of my tourist dollars until you act like you care about the treasures you are lucky to have , the elephants and other wildlife, instead of being greedy and heartless . Shame on you !
I have literally just cancelled my travel plans to your country. TERRIBLE DECISION!!
This is so wrong and I beg the government of Gambia to rethink their decision.
Big tuskers a rarely seen in Zambia, mature male elephants above 45 years of age. It’s these elephants the hunters are aiming for, elephants with big tusks to be kept as a trophy, so they can show of to all their friends how ignorant they are. An elephant being killed by a hunter can never be the joy for any photographic tourist again and can never bring in money again. Leave these animals in piece, hunting destroys a heathy gene pool. Hunting makes these animals skittish and aggressive towards humans, so for those who like walking safaris don’t walk near hunting areas.
The hunting industry is very powerful (financially) and some people in Zambia are just too short term minded and only think about today’s income and not about tomorrows income. Too bad that the ban lasted that short. The former minister Sylvia Masebo proved that she had ‘balls’ to stop hunting, lets hope the new minister will withdraw her decision. Don’t feed hunters with their selfish primitive needs. If hunters want to see blood, let them go hunting big game in Iraq, Syria or wherever you have ISIS operating. ISIS is considered to be a new ‘ Big Six’-member and the can give hunters a better least this target is equally matched
this is one family that is staying away from Zambia then. A country obviously run by fools!
“In a civilized and cultivated country wild animals only continue to exist at all when preserved by sportsmen. The excellent people who protest against all hunting, and consider sportsmen as enemies of wildlife, are ignorant of the fact that in reality the genuine sportsman is by all odds the most important factor in keeping the larger and more valuable wild creatures from total extermination.” President Theodore Roosevelt.
Dear Minister Of Tourism and Arts Jean Kapata. I am a student who just completed her diploma in Hospitality Management-Hotel and Restaurant and now doing my BHTM (Bachelor of Hospitality and Tourism Management and a Zambian lady. I believe you are making a terrible mistake. We need to be mindful of our environment and respect all living creatures and the focus should be more on sustainable tourism. When you encourage hunting you lose the natural habitat. Hunting and habitat go hand-in-hand when there is over population. We can’t have quality hunting without quality wildlife habitat. And the past has proven we won’t have sustainable wildlife habitat unless hunters are involved. Yes hunters pay a certain percentage revenue which goes to wildlife agencies and tourism. But how can you do that with elephants when their population has already declined? Where is the logic in that? Its best to rethink this decision. Zambia is not doing enough to promote its self. You have untamed lands, culture, heritage yet no one knows what to do with it. Lady Liuwa of Liuwa Plain National Park can promote Zambia and bring in revenue but no mention of her. You can make a movie, sell DVD’s, make memorabilia such as T-shirts, caps etc. In North America the lioness has made it big being showcased on Animal Planet and National Geography. Promote weddings, cooperate meetings etc. Hunting is not the only source of generating money.
Edited comment: So you have finally given in to the corruption of the demand for hunting by special interest groups. I wondered when this would happen. Please do not insult those of us who know better by saying this is a conservation move. The ONLY move this is fueled by is the big money trophy hunters who are willing to pay your government for the murder of these animals – animals with intricate social and emotional structures and families. You will use this corrupt blood money to try and make your country rich on the brutalization and exploitation of something that made your country special. Your country is no longer special. Now you will be considered one of the many who gave in to big game money rather than taking the ethical approach. You look corrupt and you are corrupt. This may not affect you now but it will haunt you later. Wait for it. I will not pity you when it does happen. You will not be respected for this move. I will never recommend visiting your country or providing any aid in any way because of this careless decision. Now you are no better than America, China, Japan, the Netherlands and other countries who exploit their animals for monetary gain
So you have finally given in to the corruption of the demand for hunting by special interest groups. I wondered when this would happen. Please do not insult those of us who know better by saying this is a conservation move. The ONLY move this is is fueled by the big money trophy hunters are willing to pay your government for the murder of these animals – animals with intricate social and emotional structures and families. You will use this corrupt blood money to try and make your country rich on the brutalization and exploitation on something that made your country special. Your country is no longer special. Now you will be considered one of the many who gave in to big game money rather than taking the ethical approach. You look corrupt and you are corrupt. This may not affect you now but it will haunt you later. Wait for it. I will not pity you when it does happen. You’ve made a fool of yourselves to think you will be respected for this move. I will never recommend visiting your country or providing any aid in any way because of your careless decision. Now you are no better than America, China, Japan, the Netherlands and other countries who exploit their animals for monetary gain.
So you have finally given in to the corruption of the demand for hunting by special interest groups. I wondered when thus woukd happen. Please do not insult those of us who know better by saying thus is a conservation move. The ONLY move this is is field by the big money trop hunters are willing to pay your government for the murder of these animals – animals eith intricate social and emotional structures and families. You will use this corrupt blood money to try and make your country rich on the brutalization and exploitation on something that made your country soexial. Your country is no longer special. Now you will be considered one of the many who gave in to big game money rather than taking the ethical approach. You look corrupt and you are corrupt. This may not affect you now but it will haunt you layer. Wait for it. I will not pity you when it does happen. You’ve made a fool of yourselves to think you will be respected for this move. I will never recommend visiting your country or providing any aid in any way because of your careless decision. Now you are no better than America, China, Japan, the Netherlands and other countries who exploit their animals for monetary gain.