Minister Of Tourism and Arts Jean Kapata has lifted the ban on hunting in the 19 hunting blocks with immediate effect. Ms Kapata made the announcement at a press briefing held at the Ministry of Tourism head office in Lusaka this morning.
She however said that the hunting will be conducted under laid down conditions and strict supervision from ZAWA. But that the ban on big Cats still stands. Hunting in the said blocks was suspended in 2013 due to inability to select outfitters in these blocks arising from a flawed process in the tender.
Hunting of Lions and other cats was banned on understanding that their populations were depleted to such low levels that it was not sustainable to hunt them.
She has also appealed to everyone to assist government and ZAWA in the conservation of the wildlife and its habitat in Zambia. She said that Zambia prides itself in having arguably the richest bio-diversity on the continent, which we all should guard against depletion..
Article by: The Zambia Wildlife Authority
Please note that we are not the Zambia Tourism Board and don’t make these policy decisions. We are a private organization dedicated to providing information about travel and tourism in Zambia.
UPDATE: Here is ZAWA’s response to this press release:
I am disgusted at the decision to allow hunting of elephants PLEASE PLEASE put a stop to this and BAN hunting of the elephants
I am shocked and saddened that Zambia has chosen to allow the hunting of endangered animals like elephants. Please reconsider this.
You are an ugly human being. You know the dire straits that elephants are in and yet, your decision shows something familiar to me. It shows that there is someone paying your wallet. Because if you really cared one iota about your countries wildlife, you would have kept the ban on hunting your wildlife. We know who is really talking here, yes we do. And we also know which side you\’re on. Trashy decision. You will soon have blood on your hands.
This is a huge step backwards. It saddens me greatly to think of the low number of species left. You claim that Zambia prides itself on the claim it has the richest biodiversity of the continent which it seems you are going to deplete by this very action. Another contradiction in hope you keep the conservationist subdued. I\\’m appalled by the decision and hope it is swiftly overturned! There are much more tourism opportunities than hunting.
Your minister is an idiot! The whole world is watching African wildlife disappear. NO ONE. Should be trophy ” hunting ” it is a disgusting, narcissistic activy for the morally deprived. Shame on you. I’ve been to Zambia, but will boycott all things Zambian now.
Is Zambia so desperate for tourist dollars that it has to resort to killing elephants and other rare animals? Why can’t you come up with an idea that leads to preservation of your heritage instead of the destruction of it? There is no reason to kill elephants, none. Bad idea. I predict this will lose Zambia more business than it hopes to gain.
Dear Madam, Please reconsider the hunting of magnification animals such as elephants. They are a gift to us, and must be protected. Please reconsider on behalf of myself , and others throughout the world who love seeing elephants roam freely in the wild. Sincerely, Julie Russo
Shame, by the time I’ve saved up for my holiday you won’t have any wildlife for me to visit…
Save the animals for without them you’re just another bunch of inhumanes…
Ever thyought about the gene pool and what we have done to destroy it… guess it’s not our genes your worried about LOL!
I am appalled to read that your country has lifted the ban on hunting animals in Zambia. It is a well known fact that elephant and rhino populations are being depleted at a very rapid rate due to poaching. A recent study indicated that over 100,000 elephants were killed within a 3 year period. Based on this fact, it is inexcusable to consider allowing “legal” hunting of these animals as well as others. I am involved with organizing the Global March for Elephants and Rhinos in San Francisco, California USA. I am fighting for the survival of these species and your country is allowing them to be slaughtered as sport.
I have been to southern Africa for photo safari three times in the last 2 years and will be returning again in February. I have not been to Zambia yet and definitely will not until your country no longer allows hunting of its animals. Ecotourism is what you should be concentrating on doing. That is a win-win for everyone.
Please reconsider your decision to allow hunting in Zambia.
Thank you,
Julie Hartz
Please reconsider your decision to allow elephant and other hunting. This screams to the while world that you care for money more than working to assure the survival of our planet. This decision will cost you your reputation, and a great deal if money in the end. If this same energy could be put into ecotourism and conservation, all would win and the earth would be protected from inevitable destruction. Thank you.
Zambia may be geographically beautiful, however, it is made ferociously UGLY by the decision to allow the murder of innocent animals for profit. Elephants must be protected before they cease to exist on this earth.PLEASE PROTECT ELEPHANTS AND RHINOS!!!
Disgusting.who the hell gives these people the right animals do not belong to anyone there for should not be used for greed or profit.makes me sick.i just hope tourist go elsewere to spend there holidays and hard earned cash.give this woman nothing but grief.
When all of your animals are dead, what will all the tourists come to see?
This is a disastrous, immature, and embarrassing way to conduct business. Elephants are going extinct. People will visit to see them when there are so few left, not to hunt them.
I am shocked and dismayed at the decision to allow hunting of elephants in Zambia, especially considering the reports that are constantly coming in about the depletion of the species. I will not travel to Zambia and I will be posting to my friends, and their friends and so on that to travel to Zambia is to support the extinction of elephants. What could this woman be thinking? Your country will be among the countries that will be blamed if elephants go extinct. Disgraceful.
I beg you PLEASE protect the Elephants & Rhinos, they are endangered & in 10 years they might be EXTINCT! GOD gave us a job to be “Caretakers” of this planet, animals included. God made the animals to provide us FOOD but to also care for the animals not kill them all. Where is your compassion for the wild, w/ out them it will cause a MAJOR affect to the earth & to know that YOU had a part of their extinction will leave a heavy mark on you. PLEASE think of our next generation that will be living after we have, don’t destroy the beauty of nature that they never got to see w/ their eyes or touch. God made animals for a reason,Elephants, Rhinos die off know the earth will miss them, vegetation will slowly die off, africa will lose the visits from tourist to see the wild,if you don’t protect the animald everything will go downhill. PLEASE don’t just think about yourself, think abount the country, the animals, know everyone..I mean EVERYONE is watching what you are doing & not agreeing w/ you. PLEASE BAN KILLING ON ELEPHANTS & RHINOS they have EVERY RIGHT to be living on this earth as much as you & I. You are NOT god, god is the one to choose who dies who doesn’t. Just know when the time comes when you pass away you are going to have to beg god for forgiveness for playing god & letting Trophy Hunters kill gods creatures for fun.
Please do not allow hunting of elephants!!!! They are already so endangered. Please stop this!
I beseech you to stop this atrocity…please reconsider what you are going to do- you have the power to save these precious animals…especially the elephants!!!
I’m profounding disappointed that Zambia has chosen to reinstate hunting. The wildlife populations, elephants most especially, need a rest from the relentless slaughter and decimation they have experienced not only at the hands of poachers, but because of hunting.
I had thought to visit Zambia, especially the fantastic elephant orphanage in Kafue, but now, I think I’ll have to stay away. I urge Zambia to reinstate your earlier enlightened decision to end the terrible practice of trophy hunting in your country. Live wildlife will be much more valuable to your country and to your economy.
Very truly yours,
C Decker
California, USA and frequent tourist to East Africa
August 21, 2014
Jean Kapata,
Minister of Tourism and Arts
Dear Madam,
Lifting the ban on hunting ELEPHANTS anywhere in Zambi is in stark contrast to the world wide outcry to do everything possible to save elephants from the very real threat of extinction. They are a keystone species, causing the entire ecosystem to forever be altered. For the love of God, reverse your decision.