Human wildlife Conflict: Challenges and mitigation
Human wildlife conflict has been peaked this month – with crops at a healthy stage, elephants and hippos have been carrying out regular raids on farmland in the villages of Chiawa GMA. Thanks to the International Elephant Foundation and ZAWA, we have been able to place a permanent Village Scout team in the Chiawa communities to respond to Human Wildlife Conflict. These scout teams have been battling the elements in uncomfortable and dangerous situations and have been performing incredibly well. Congratulations to all officers!
This month we have also collaborated with Game Rangers International – Britius and Noddie from GRI’s Kafue Community Outreach Project visited Stephen Kalio in Mushonganende to learn how to build felumbus – elephant proof granary stores – for food security for people living alongside elephants.
Environmental Education Programme 2014 kicks off
This year’s EEP programme kicked off in February and is now up and running! Our environmental educator Besa Kaoma travelled to 11 schools in Chongwe district to visit ‘Chongololo’ (conservation) clubs to introduce the environmental education curriculum to teachers and pupils. The curriculum covers a number of important and relevant topics to pupils growing up in a Game Management Area and the importance of conservation. We also introduced our health curriculum funded by Sidecole, to cover essential health topics and HIV/AIDS awareness. Besa will continue this programme with an outreach visit to Luangwa in March and 4 more outreach programmes in 2014.
Two African Wild dog sightings
The Lower Zambezi Valley never fails to amaze! February saw two sightings of African Wild dog. A ZAWA patrol team reported a pack of at least ten dogs at the Eastern end of the park and just 48 hours later, two dogs were spotted in the Chiawa Game Management Area, 100km further west. The wild dog population of the LZNP is unknown, but these sightings are promising for the endangered species, with an estimated population of only 6,000 remaining.
Article by: Conservation Lower Zambezi
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