gamerangersinternational-logoWho we are

Game Rangers International is a Zambian conservation NGO established in 2008. It was founded with the specific aim of assisting the wildlife authorities and communities in the Kafue National Park area to better protect this valuable resource and its environment.

With a focus on the flagship African Elephant species, GRI currently implements five projects that together take a holistic approach to the problems of conservation and development, rooted in the belief that the key to sustainable, long term utilisation of Zambia’s natural wealth is best achieved by ensuring the full participation of its citizens in managing these vital, internationally important ecosystems.

What we do

1.) Kafue Conservation Project (KCP) – Providing welfare, training and operational support to wildlife personnel on the front line of endangered species protection

2.) The Elephant Orphanage Project (EOP) – Rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing orphaned elephants back into the wild

3.) Muzovu Awareness Project (MAP)- Inspiring greater environmental awareness and understanding through education and wildlife education at local and national levels

4.) Community Outreach Project (COP) – Promoting and supporting the sustainable utilisation of natural resources within communities living contiguous to protected areas

5.) Kafue Research Project (KRP) – Working to better understand and mitigate Human Elephant Conflict in the KNP and promoting scientific understanding of wild Elephant herds. Providing a platform for researchers to study the flora and fauna of the KNP to better understand and protect its biodiversity.

How you can  help

Visit our Lilayi Elephant Nursery, open every day for viewing our younger orphan herd between 11.30 and 13.00. See the eles feeding and enjoying their mud-bath whilst learning more about conservation in Zambia. A great activity for all of the family.

Please visit our website here for more details.

Donations supporting our conservation work in Zambia are accepted here.

We also have a volunteer program and opportunities available to “foster an elephant”.

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