Real awesome. Real scary. Real spectacular. These are just a few of the descriptive ways brave swimmers have described their dunk in Devil’s Pool. Like clockwork, in mid August this natural infinity pool on top of the Victoria Falls opened for the season.

Each year, with Mother Nature’s blessing, Tongabezi offers day trips to Livingstone Island where daredevils have the opportunity to dive into the rock pool positioned at the very edge of the Victoria Falls. This year has been no different.

On the 10th of August the announcement was made, “Bring your swimmers folks, Devil’s Pool has opened.” Since then, thrill seekers have taken to Instagram to document their bucket list moment. The moment they were eye to eye with the Victoria Falls. The moment they conquered Devil’s Pool.

Here are some of our favourite (and the most funny) ways people have captured the moment:

The modified plank

The baddest plank platform on the planet!

The backflip

There must be an Olympic gold medal for this…

With arms wide open (and with friends)

Creed’s got nothing on this group of gals!

The Ironman

The ultimate gym workout – push-ups on the edge of the falls.

The GoPro selfie

Can you taste the rainbow?

With a ukulele in hand

What a stage for this music man…

Totally chilled out

A group of four pondering what they should make for dinner…

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African wonderland #devilspool

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As Helen Keller would say, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!” There’s still time to plan your getaway to the world’s most spectacular swimming hole if you can muster up the courage.

Be a trend setter. Be unique. Conquer Devil’s Pool in your own way. Just be sure to hashtag #DevilsPool.